These last few weeks I have started mind mapping to try and unravel my thoughts and actions. This is a new way to work for me and I'm not always finding it easy. The content is strong but the visuals weak. However as I am reminded it is for personal use mainly and doesn't have to look pretty or accurate or 'perfect'. What do these words mean anyway?
What is good is that I am starting to take action from some of the content in the mind maps.
I cannot draw, at least in the conventional, expected sense. I can write. I'm good at writing. My mind maps are very text based at the moment, that is what comes most easily for me to do.
I hope you can read the words in the images below. Click on the photographs and scroll in further if you can.
The mind map above is about what is important to me and what I do and would like to do. I describe our life as 'van - centric' in that it is our motorhome or 'van' that is the most important thing to us. It is our home and the space we hang out and live in.
I am interested in Permaculture, most so as an attitude and approach to living. I'm not into the gardening, not yet, but trying to establish how we currently live and can live sustainably, comfortably, realistically and within our means.
The 333 challenge refers to the Blog 'Be More with Less' and I attach the link here: Be More With Less
I aspire and want to live a more simple life, free of clutter, physically and mentally. It is a continual work in progress. I want to reduce the clothes that I have, or change them, reduce the kitchen objects we have, reduce the food / store cupboard excess we have, reduce the folders and paperwork that I have.
I have an arrow pointing to time management, that needs improving because I don't always get it right, missing out or trying to do too much, and generally knackering myself out in the process. But what would I give up in that process? You will notice that I include the statistical percentage numbers recommended 'one' spends on each area of their art practice. Does anyone else achieve that, and how?
I want to read, I want to make, I need to rest and I want to spend time with Shawn my partner.
When I think about my artwork it is simple, using simple processes and minimal tools and materials. It is the complexities behind that are perhaps cluttering it up.
Drawing got the better of me and I slipped back into text and lists with the mind map above. Is it a mind map even? Probably not, and not that that matters either. The page is a summary of the mentoring session I had whilst in London in April this year, picking out key subjects that my work is about or could be about. Key questions are being asked, and I may not take action on all that is here. Lots to think about... My mentor thinks I should write a manifesto to establish and clarify a few things and give me direction.
I love reading and never make enough time to do this (it's that time management thing...), and I have a number of books stashed in the van waiting to be opened and read. For the mind map above I have tried to break my reading list into subject matter to give me some direction and order of which books to read first. I can see where the different subjects link up. Me spending a lot of time of reading isn't very exciting for others to follow. How can I share my excitement, enthusiasm and knowledge of what I'm reading and learning via my social media platforms? How can I convert reading into something visual? What is my relationship between reading and making?
I have a number of notes from past books that I have read, important books to me. Perhaps I should revisit these notes and mind map them to unravel what I have learnt or struck upon from reading these books?
Another list above. Whenever I exhibit or what exhibitions I apply for, the shows should always be along side my own interests and practice. I am learning more and more to say no when exhibitions don't fit or feel right with my work. This can be hard, not wanting to miss a potential (will it be?) opportunity. I am happy with my exhibition history so far and can see how each show links from or with one to another but I would love it to expand a lot more.
And finally in the image above, these last five years or so I have been collecting information under key subject categories that have particularly caught my eye or are relevant to my practice. I wrote the list of folders out to remind myself what these subjects are and the use of these words act as triggers reminding myself what is in each folder. In decluttering mode, I think it is time to sift out some of the paperwork that is in these folders.
I recaptured what Rebecca Gordon wrote about me in her essay for my solo show in 2012 in that my work is about materiality, process, craft, sculpture and performance.
The conclusion that I have come to is that I know a lot of this stuff already and need to delve deeper, just as my mentor said. He also stressed I should 'chuck out' all the irrelevancies.
So it is time to start reading and time for more decluttering and hopefully these activities will activate a new body or extended body of work, I do hope so.
I have brought some coloured felt tip pens to aid my mind mapping technique.